Displaying Results 51 - 75 of 222 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Field ChickweedCerastium arvenseDescription: Field chickweed is a pretty, airy wildflower that happily seeds itself about and blooms in profusion. |
FireweedChamaenerion angustifoliumDescription: A favourite of bees and hummingbirds, this wildflower is showy and edible with tall bright pink flower stalks on leafy stems that add great interest to large spaces. |
Forget Me NotsMyosotis asiaticaDescription: These early blooming wildflowers will steal the show with its brilliant color and profuse blooms. It can be an annual or biennial and will re-seed itself to form an attractive groundcover. |
Fringed AsterSymphotrichum ciliolatumDescription: With many cheery blue flowers in late summer this Aster is a great late season pollinator for shady spaces. |
Fringed LoosestrifeLysimachia ciliataDescription: With bright showy blooms and deep maroon fall foliage this plant will have an impact on the landscape. |
Fuzzy-tongue BeardtonguePenstemon eriantherusDescription: A versatile, heat loving penstemon for rock and pollinator gardens. |
Giant HyssopAgastache foeniculumDescription: Pretty blue blooms, fragrant leaves that are used to make tea, and a great presence in a large landscape are just a few of the features of this wildflower. |
Gold CurrantRibes aureumDescription: This is a showy, long blooming shrub that offers early summer interest, and juicy, edible fruit that persists into fall. The best and most reliable fruiting shrub from the Prairies. |
Golden BeansThermopsis rhombifoliaDescription: One of the first to flower in the spring, the cheery blooms are a welcome sight and an important early source of food for pollinators waking up from a long winter. |
Golden SedgeCarex aureaDescription: The bright color of this sedge stands out in the garden, and if grown in partial shade, the color nearly glows. This cool season ornamental sedge slowly spreads out in all directions. |
GooseberryRibes oxycanthoidesDescription: This is a versatile, use everywhere, interesting shrub - it is even known to grow under spruce. It is the first to leaf out in the spring and has small purple edible berries. |
Graceful CinquefoilPotentilla gracilisDescription: Graceful blooms in the summer sway on the breeze above low leafy deeply serrated foliage that turns to brilliant shades of pink/red and/or orange in the fall. |
Green Needle GrassNassella viridulaDescription: This native grass has eye-catching seed heads that begin to twist and loop around as they dry out coming to resemble a threaded needle. |
Hairy ArnicaArnica mollisDescription: This plant has a presence in the landscape due to its bright yellow flowers that bloom in profusion during the summer. |
Hairy False Golden AsterHeterotheca villosaDescription: Bright yellow flowers stand out against grayish green foliage and put on a non-stop show from midsummer to late September. |
HarebellCampanula alaskanaDescription: Delicate in appearance only, this hardy resilient plant produces beautiful blue bell-shaped flowers that keep going all summer. |
HawthornCrataegus chrysocarpaDescription: Small tree with beautiful bloom and bright orange-red fall colour with small apple-like fruit that persist through winter. Big thorns offer protection. |
Heart-Leaved AlexandersZizia apteraDescription: Cheery blooms poke up above the competition to steal the show in summer and then the cool nights of fall turn the foliage burnt pink. |
Heart-Leaved ArnicaArnica cordifoliaDescription: Large showy blooms appear in the summer amongst the Aspens in the tall grasses, supporting Bees and Butterflies. |
Indian BreadrootPediomelum esculentumDescription: Edible tuber, similar in appearance to lupines. |
Indian Rice GrassOryzopsis hymenoidesDescription: An interesting native grass with great form and attractive seed heads - try it in containers or as a specimen grass. |
Joe PyeweedEutrochium maculatumDescription: Colorful, lightly-scented blooms in late summer attract butterflies and your attention. This wildflower works well in sunny moist conditions. |
June GrassKoeleria macranthaDescription: Attractive seed heads are great in a large, naturalized planting or as a specimen grass in a sunny garden. |
KinnikinnickArctostaphylos uva-ursiDescription: This well-known groundcover has many features including early blooms, shining foliage, and bright red berries. |
Lance-leaved StonecropSedum lanceolatumDescription: This hardy succulent produces bright yellow star-like flowers in clusters during the height of summer. Sedums work well in most sunny dry spots. |
Note: The plant information given on this browse listing page is limited; please refer to the plant information pages for a more detailed description of the plants that have met your search criteria.