Product Info
Placing an Order
When you submit an order to us on the web you are really putting in an order request and you will not be asked to pay at that time. Once we’ve received your order we will confirm the availability of the product you’ve ordered and reserve it for you, then we will calculate the shipping cost when applicable and send you a detailed invoice by email. This email will contain payment options and once we have received your payment your order will be shipped as per your request. If you do not receive a response from us within 2 business days of placing your order please check your junk mail folder and/or let us know. |
Wildflower & Grass Plugs
You can order plugs in any number and do not need to buy in lots of 4 but there is a minimum order of 8 plugs for orders being shipped. Wildflower plugs range from $5.00 to $7.50 per plant, native grasses and wild strawberries are $4.25 each, and vines and woody plants are $6.25. Larger potted stock is available for pick-up orders. Potted stock prices range from $10.00 to $45.00. Availability of potted stock varies so please call for current information.
To have a plug order shipped there will be a $6.50 handling charge to cover making the arrangements, shipping materials, packing time and the trip into town to mail or ship your order. Local pick up is also available. Shipping costs include full insurance and depend on the distance shipped as well as the size and weight of the parcel. Our smallest box holds up to 20 plugs, the next size up holds 40, then 60, and the largest box holds 88 plugs.
Plant material needs to travel fairly quickly so we try to keep the shipping travel time to less than 4 days. In the early spring when the plugs are still dormant, they can handle up to 8 days depending on the species. Including the handling fee, shipping within Alberta by Canada Post for 8-20 plugs will probably range from $20-35, while BC and Saskatchewan will likely be $25-$40. Shipping to Manitoba, Yukon, NWT, Ontario and Quebec will likely range from $30-$60 and NFL, Labrador and the Maritimes will be somewhere between $50-$75.
Our plugs come in a few different sizes depending on the growing habit of the plant. Most of our plugs are 1.5"sq with a 5"deep root ball. Some smaller or slower growing perennials are grown in smaller plug containers. The open book style of our growing containers allows for easy handling and transplanting.
We are outdoor growers and work within the natural cycle of the growing season. If you purchase your plugs in spring the wildflowers will be at least 1 year old. Plugs purchased in the late summer/fall delivery may be the current season crop. If we are sold out of something in the spring we may have it available in the late summer which is a great time to plant perennials; contact us to be placed on a waiting list.
Please note that plugs ordered in early spring will arrive dormant and should be planted as soon as possible. Do not take your wildflowers indoors; instead find a sheltered spot outside where you can keep your eye on them until they are planted. Plants left outdoors will wake up in tune with the growing season and follow their natural cycle. Plants taken indoors will become seasonally confused and begin to grow rapidly producing weak stems and leaves; they will not be able to go back outside until the weather catches up to them.
Wildflower Seed Packs
The individual packs sell for $4.00 each, with seeding instructions and growing information listed on the back. Seed packages are available year-round and there is no minimum order. The cost for shipping seeds depends on the amount of packages ordered. An order of less than 6 packages (not Mixes) needs a $1.07(+GST) Stamp, up to 10 packs is $1.30, 10-20 will need $1.94 and so on. Mixes cost a bit more. There is also a $2.75 handling fee for orders containing only seed packages. Large seed orders may require extra insurance which will add to the cost.
Each individual species of native wildflower and grass package contains a different number of seeds. Some wildflowers seeds are harder to come by than others and this is reflected in the number of seeds in the package. Please see the individual Plant Info/Order pages for information about the number of seeds in the package which can be found mid-page just below the order buttons and above the plant description.
Native Grass Mixes & Bulk Grass Seed
Grass seed is available year-round and there is no minimum order. An $4.50 handling fee will apply to grass seed orders containing no live plants. The cost to ship grass seed depends on the size and weight of the order and the distance travelled.
Our native grass seed comes from sources within the Prairie Provinces and is repackaged by Wild About Flowers into quantities that are more in line with the needs of the average home or acreage owner. Generally we do not collect the grass seed we are selling.
Pick-up Orders
Local orders can be picked up on an arranged date at our nursery just off Hwy 7 between Okotoks and Black Diamond, AB which is about 25 minutes southwest of Calgary, AB. You can pick up your order from the end of April to the end of September weather permitting. A pick-up day must be prearranged so your order will be ready for you and then the order can be picked up between 10am and 5pm. If you would like to shop when you pick up your order, please book a shopping appointment.
Shopping appointments are available in one-hour segments, we don't do drop-in shopping. Shopping appointments allow you to privately browse through a larger selection of native plants including species not listed on the web; larger potted stock is also available. A map with directions will be provided once you’ve booked an appointment or pick-up day.
Consultation Appointments
Consultation appointments with our Wildflower Experts are available for $40.00 per hour, during which you can bring photos and/or sketches and receive one-on-one help with plant selection and garden design. Call 403-933-3903 for more information. |
Shipping and Pick-ups
Seeds ship year-round within two or three business days of receiving the payment. Dormant plugs ordered from October to April are available for early spring shipping and can be planted as soon as the ground is workable. We begin shipping dormant plugs around the end of April depending on the weather and it takes a few weeks to ship all the orders received over the winter; we ship every Monday until the end of September. Plug orders are shipped on a first come first serve basis and are shipped as soon as possible. We do not hold orders. If there is a problem with the scheduled ship date, please contact the office.
Pick-up orders placed over the winter must be picked up by June 1st or the order will be cancelled and refunded. Pick-up orders placed from May 1st to September 15th must be picked up within two weeks of the payment being submitted unless other arrangements have been made. Orders cancelled and refunded for this reason will be subject to a 20% restocking fee. Please contact the office with any questions.
Wildflowers are diverse in many ways including the speed at which they grow. Some wildflowers are very fast and others take a few years to become salable so there is no point in the season when everything is ready at once. Our plugs are available for sale from late April through September; if a species is currently sold out it may become available again soon. Please contact us regarding the future availability of any sold-out species or to be placed on a waiting list.
Occasionally, when dealing with live plant material, situations beyond our control arise causing us to be unable to fill parts of your order as expected. If this occurs, we will contact you and offer you a choice between substitution, back order or refund.
Bulk Seed & Custom Grow Rates
Custom grown orders will receive an extra discount, please call or email us for more information.
Bulk seed sales are limited as authentic wildflower seed is not available in large quantities. Small bulk orders and custom mixes are available and we can customize the seed envelopes for gifts and promotions; please contact us for more information.
Payments and Deposits
Orders to be shipped require payment in full prior to shipping. Large custom orders and pick-up orders to be held longer than two weeks require a 25% non-refundable deposit with the balance due on or before pick-up/shipping. Payment options include Visa and MasterCard, a Cheque or Money Order made out to Wild About Flowers, or online with PayPal where more payment options are available. Debit is available for on-site sales. |
What we Guarantee
We guarantee that our plants are grown by us from seed collected locally and responsibly and are not harvested from the wild. We guarantee that our plants will arrive in good condition, that live plants will be healthy and be ready to transplant.
Actively growing plants
When you receive your order, please examine it and if you have any concerns contact us within 48 hours and we will rectify the situation. We cannot be responsible for anything that is not reported upon receipt of the product as we have no control beyond that point.
Dormant plugs
If you received and planted dormant plant material in the early spring that appeared alive upon receipt but does not wake up by June 30th (of the year you received it) you should be eligible for replacement plants. To be eligible you must let us know of your concerns before May 15th (of the year you received the plugs) and provide us with photos. Please call for more information.
Wildflower Seeds
We guarantee that the seed we provide is viable. We hand collect and clean our wildflower seed, and we work hard to avoid picking and/or to remove unviable seeds. We cannot guarantee germination as there are too many factors beyond our control that can affect the outcome.