Native Grass Seed Mixes

Please check availability when making an appointment to come shopping for grass seed. We have our Prairie Meadow Grass Seed Mix and the Eco-Mix available in bulk as well as Rocky Mountain Fescue, Sheep Fescue, Rough Fescue, June Grass, Alpine Blue Grass, Tufted Hairgrass and Tickle Grass which are all clump-forming as well as Blue Gramma Grass which is sod-forming and makes it a beautiful native lawn replacement option.

Grass seed mixes should be seeded out at a rate of 1 lb. per 250 square feet. For best results seed grasses in early spring or in late summer.

The grasses in the Prairie Meadow Mix will grow well with sun loving native perennial wildflowers like Brown Eyed Susan, Blue Flax and Wild Bergamot to produce an aesthetically pleasing naturalized prairie meadow. Check out our Growing Tips section for information and tips about planting a naturalized wildflower meadow.

Prairie Meadow Native Grass Seed Mix

Prairie Meadow Native Grass Seed Mix 2LB

Description: This mix will cover 500 sq. ft. and contains Rocky Mountain Fescue, Idaho Fescue, Blue Grama Grass, June grass, and Ticklegrass. Each variety of grass has a unique looking seed head and grows between 12" - 24" tall.

Price: $75.00
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Prairie Meadow Native Grass Seed Mix 5LB

Description: This mix will cover 1250 sq. ft.

Price: $170.00
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Prairie Meadow Native Grass Seed Mix 20LB

Description: This mix will cover 5000 sq. ft.

Price: $525.00
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Short Grass Wildflower Meadow Mix 1.5LB

Description: This mix will cover 375 sq. ft. and contains Blue Sheep Fescue, Rocky Mountain Fescue, Junegrass and Alpine Blue Grasses well as over 20 species of drought tolerant low growing wildflowers. Use this mix to create a no mow naturalized effect that will require a seasonal clean up in the spring, occasional weeding and deadheading (when desired) through out the growing season. You can find a list of the wildflowers in this mix on the Seed Mix Contents page.

Price: $129.50
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City of Calgary Restoration Mix 2LB

Description: This grass and wildflower seed mix contains Canada Wildrye, Fowl Bluegrass, Green Needle Grass, June Grass, Rocky Mountain Fescue, Slender Wheatgrass, Blue Flax, and Purple Prairie Clover. This mix will cover 500 sq. ft. These species have been selected for their low growing habit and drought tolerance. Grow in full sun and well-drained to drier soils.

Price: $90.00
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Rocky MTN Fescue Native Grass Seed

Rocky Mountain Fescue 2LB

Description: This no-mow native grass works well as a lawn grass alternative that is lower growing and drought tolerant. This is a clump forming grass that will produce a lumpy lawn which that will grow to around 12-16" and can be left un-mowed. Consider adding low growing drought tolerant wildflowers like Locoweeds, Blue Eyed Grass and Harebells for a low meadow effect. This bag will cover 500 sq. ft..

Price: $50.00
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Rocky Mountain Fescue 5LB

Description: This quantity will cover 1250 sq. ft.

Price: $110.00
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Low Growning No Mow Alternative

Sheep Fescue 2LB

Description: This low growing clump forming grass works well as a lawn grass alternative as it is drought tolerant and very similar Rocky Mountain Fescue but is a different color and native to Montana but not Alberta. It will produce a lumpy lawn which that will grow to around 12-16" and can be left unmowed in low traffic areas. Consider adding low growing drought tolerant wildflowers like Creeping White Aster, Nodding Onions and Tufted Fleabane to create a low growing meadow effect. Mix with Rocky Mountain Fescue for a more diverse look. This bag will cover 500 sq. ft.

Price: $40.00
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Sheep Fescue5LB

Description: Description: This will cover 1250 sq. ft.

Price: $89.00
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Eco- Mix Lawn Grass Mix

Eco-Mix Lawn Grass 2LB

Description: Eco-Mix is a non-native Fescue grass seed mix that forms a dense lawn which is slower growing and drought tolerant. The mix will cover 500 sq. ft., it contains grasses that do well in both sun and/or shade conditions and will need less water and mowing.

Price: $40.00
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Eco-Mix Lawn Grass 5LB

Description: This mix will cover 1250 sq. ft.

Price: $89.00
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