
Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Achillea borealis


Description: This pleasant-smelling perennial herb has fine feathery foliage and solid clusters of tiny white flowers. It will grow in almost every condition.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
Add to Order Inquiry
Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Actaea rubra


Description: Large white blooms, leafy foliage with fall color and bright red berry clusters gives this plant multi-season appeal in moist shady spaces.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
Add to Order Inquiry
Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Agastache foeniculum

Giant Hyssop

Description: Pretty blue blooms, fragrant leaves that are used to make tea, and a great presence in a large landscape are just a few of the features of this wildflower.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Plug Quantity:
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Allium cernuum

Nodding Onion

Description: Flowering in early summer these elegant, delicate looking flowers can be pink or white and are truly beautiful.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Allium schoenoprasum

Wild Chives

Description: Wild Chives have showy flowers that linger throughout the summer, the color slowly fading. They like sun, prefer moist to wet soil, and are edible.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Allium textile

Prairie Onion

Description: A slender perennial with beautiful whiite flower clusters anytime from early to late summer. Similar in appearance to nodding onion but prefers drier conditions.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Anaphalis margaritacea

Western Pearly Everlasting

Description: The name says it all, creamy white flowers that last and last throughout the summer and into the fall. This plants is perfect for dry, sunny gardens and a must for pollinators.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Androsace chamaejasme

Alpine Rock Jasmine

Description: This sweet-smelling small alpine wildflower has bright blooms in the summer and great fall color.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Anemonastrum canadensis

Canada Anemone

Description: Bright white flowers stand out against the lush green foliage. This Anemone likes moist sites and looks its best in shady areas.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Anemone cylindrica

Long-Headed Anemone

Description: Pretty white blooms turn into long cylinder-shaped seed heads that are long lasting and attractive in the landscape.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Anemone multifida

Cut-Leaved Anemone

Description: Crisp white, pink or occasionally wine-red blooms in early spring give way to egg-shaped creamy white puffs of silky seed heads.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Anemone parviflora

Small-Wood Anemone

Description: This mountain wildflower usually only produces a single flower and would make a great plant for the collector.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $7.50
Plug Quantity:
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Angelica dawsonii

Yellow Angelica

Description: Umbels of yellow flowers appear on this carrot relative in early to late summer. An attractant for butterflies and bees, the seeds are also eaten by songbirds.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Antennaria parvifolia

Small-Leaved Pussytoes

Description: This mat-forming wildflower has compact foliage and pretty pale pink to white flowers. This makes a great groundcover around pavers.

Seed Price: $0.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Antennaria pulcherrima

Showy Everlasting

Description: Long-lasting white blooms on silvery foliage stand out in the garden and attract bees and butterflies.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Antennaria rosea

Rosy Pussytoes

Description: Pink & Cream clusters of flowers sit atop a slender stalk and are very pretty. Pussytoes have silky gray foliage that lingers well into winter.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
Add to Order Inquiry
Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Anticlea elegans

White Camas

Description: This plant is elegant, as its Latin name implies with its crisp white and lime green blooms and long graceful leaves; a unique and beautiful specimen plant.

Seed Price: $0.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Anticlea occidentalis

Bronze Bells

Description: A shade-loving, unique plant for the shady garden, or the collector.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Aquilegia brevistyla

Blue Columbine

Description: Elegant blue and lemon-yellow flowers bow gracefully off long slender stalks in May and June. This columbine likes moist shade.

Seed Price: $0.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Plug Quantity:
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Aquilegia canadensis

Eastern Red Columbine

Description: Attracting butterflies and hummingbirds, this vibrant showy columbine can tolerate a range of soils, and flourishes best in dappled shade.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Aquilegia flavescens

Yellow Columbine

Description: Lemon yellow blooms in the early summer can sometimes have a pinkish hue. This columbine will tolerate more sun and well drained conditions.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Aquilegia formosa

Red Columbine

Description: Brilliant red and yellow blooms are very showy. Columbines attract Hummingbirds and butterflies.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
Add to Order Inquiry
Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi


Description: This well-known groundcover has many features including early blooms, shining foliage, and bright red berries.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Arnica chamissonis

Meadow Arnica

Description: Large sunny blooms in early summer are bright and eye-catching. This Arnica has great presence in large landscapes.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Arnica cordifolia

Heart-Leaved Arnica

Description: Large showy blooms appear in the summer amongst the Aspens in the tall grasses, supporting Bees and Butterflies.

	Spear-leaved Arnica Flowers
Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Plug Quantity:
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Arnica lonchophylla

Spear Leaved Arnica

Description: Yellow flowers in late spring through summer, Spear Leaved Arnica is a versatile wildflower that provides food for bees, butterflies and songbirds.

Hairy Arnica Flower
Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $6.25
Plug Quantity:
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Arnica mollis

Hairy Arnica

Description: This plant has a presence in the landscape due to its bright yellow flowers that bloom in profusion during the summer.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Arnica sororia

Twin Arnica

Description: Twin arnica spreads by rhizomes and does beautifully in meadows. It appeals to both bees and butterflies.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Artemisia frigida

Pasture Sagewort

Description: Soft silky silvery green foliage is aromatic and the main appeal of this drought tolerant sun loving perennial.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Artemisia ludoviciana

Prairie Sagewort

Description: With eye-catching silver foliage and a spreading habit, this sage is well suited to large meadow plantings.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Asclepias ovalifolia

Low Milkweed

Description: Pretty flowers, intriguing seed pods and an important relationship with the Monarch Butterfly are just a few reasons to plant this wildflower in your garden.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $6.25
Plug Quantity:
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Asclepias specious

Showy Milkweed

Description: Showy Milkweed is an important food source for the Monarch Butterfly and a large wildflower with pretty pink flowers.

Alpine Aster Bloom
Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Aster alpinus

Alpine Aster

Description: This low-growing aster has solitary large pink blooms and can be mat-forming over time.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Astragalus adsurgens

Ascending Purple Milk Vetch

Description: This milkvetch with its purple and blue blooms attracts many insects and is a favourite of bees.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Astragalus canadensis

Canada Milkvetch

Description: A versatile wildflower that can do well in a variety of conditions. Stalks of white to yellow flowers rising up throughout the summer. A great choice for attracting pollinators and birds to the yard.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Balsamorhiza sagittata


Description: A large, leafy plant with bright sunny blooms in early spring. This plant will bring Bees, Birds and Butterflies into your space.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Campanula alaskana


Description: Delicate in appearance only, this hardy resilient plant produces beautiful blue bell-shaped flowers that keep going all summer.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Carex aurea

Golden Sedge

Description: The bright color of this sedge stands out in the garden, and if grown in partial shade, the color nearly glows. This cool season ornamental sedge slowly spreads out in all directions.

Seed Price: $0.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Carex raymondii

Raymonds Sedge

Description: A versatile ornamental sedge with attractive flowers and seed heads that will work well in most gardens.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $7.50
Plug Quantity:
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Castilleja sp.


Description: These beautiful wildflowers are show stoppers and will attract hummingbirds into your space. A sheltered established site is best.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Cerastium arvense

Field Chickweed

Description: Field chickweed is a pretty, airy wildflower that happily seeds itself about and blooms in profusion.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Chamaenerion angustifolium


Description: A favourite of bees and hummingbirds, this wildflower is showy and edible with tall bright pink flower stalks on leafy stems that add great interest to large spaces.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Plug Quantity:
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Chamaenerion latifolium

River Beauty

Description: A smaller less aggressive Fireweed, River Beauty has both edible and medicinal properties as well as being a beautiful wildflower.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Cornus canadensis


Description: A tidy crisp plant with a single white bloom that becomes a bright red berry in the fall; this is a good groundcover for shady moist sites.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Dalea purpurea

Purple Prairie Clover

Description: A late season bloomer with beautiful color that brings in the bees and butterflies!

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Delphinium glaucum

Tall Larkspur

Description: Tall stalks of deep blue/purple blooms in July and August are a showy addition to wooded areas and moist meadows.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Delphinium nuttallianum

Nuttalls Larkspur

Description: Stunning purple flowers on short stalks in the early spring will have the Bees buzzing - a nice choice for any sunny garden.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Draba incerta

Yellowstone Draba

Description: Eye-catching in bloom with attractive cushion-like foliage, this little plant adds early season interest to rock gardens and perennial containers.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Dryas drummondii

Yellow Mountain Avens

Description: This low evergreen has thick leathery leaves, is mat-forming and has fuzzy seed heads. It grows best in gravelly soils and will deal with seasonal moisture.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Erigeron caespitosus

Tufted Fleabane

Description: Numerous white or soft pink daisy-like flowers in the summer from attractive olive-green foliage that gets tinted orangey/pink in the fall.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Erigeron compositus

Cut-Leaved Fleabane

Description: Bright pink buds open and then fade out to white in the early spring and may bloom again in the fall. Its low dense foliage forms little clumps and turns yellow in the fall.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Erigeron glabellus

Smooth Fleabane

Description: Delightful soft pink daisy-like flowers pop out of the landscape in July and August attracting bees, birds & butterflies.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Erigeron glabellus var. pubescens

Streamside Fleabane

Description: Beautiful delicate blooms range from pale pink to violet purple, are very showy and last a few weeks.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Erigeron peregrinus

Wandering Daisy

Description: Wandering Daisy is extremely variable, appearing in a wide range of colours and heights, depending on conditions. It is also known as subalpine fleabane.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Erigeron speciosus

Showy Fleabane

Description: Showy Fleabane lives up to its name by producing showy, eye-catching blooms on sturdy upright stems.

Image Not Available
Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Eriogonum androsaceum

Rockjasmine Buckwheat

Description: This alpine wildflower blooms in the spring and provides lots of interest to sunny dry rocky sites or rock gardens. Try in alpine planters.

Yellow Buckwheat blooming
Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Plug Quantity:
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Eriogonum flavum

Yellow Buckwheat

Description: This wildflower changes colors as the blooms progress and eventually turns completely yellow. Its great selection for rock gardens.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Eriogonum ovalifolium

Silver Plant

Description: This alpine wildflower is compact and showy with its silver foliage and pretty blooms that change from shades of soft pink to creamy yellow.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Eriogonum umbellatum

Sulpher Buckwheat

Description: With large showy blooms that turn from creamy white to pink, this drought tolerant wildflower will make a colorful addition to a sheltered dry sunny garden.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Erythranthe lewisii

Purple Monkeyflower

Description: A funky looking wildflower for moist spots to bring in bees and hummingbirds.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $7.50
Plug Quantity:
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Escobaria vivipara

Ball Cactus

Description: This compact native cactus works great in containers, crevices or rock gardens, or any hot dry spaces that get little water and lots of heat.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Eurybia conspicua

Showy Aster

Description: Standing tall with large leaves and bright blooms this plant will attract your attention and the late flowering period lasts well into the fall.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Eurybia siberica

Arctic Aster

Description: This low-growing Aster has a nice compact form and bright purple blooms. This aster is a good choice for planters and containers.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Eutrochium maculatum

Joe Pyeweed

Description: Colorful, lightly-scented blooms in late summer attract butterflies and your attention. This wildflower works well in sunny moist conditions.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Fragaria virginiana

Wild Strawberry

Description: Extremely versatile and tough with pretty blooms and small fruit, this plant is happy to grow just about anywhere - try it in hard to grow areas.

 Fritillaria Flower
Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Fritillaria pudica


Description: Always a favorite, these crisp yellow bells nod over fleshy leaves and put on a show in early spring.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Gaillardia aristata

Brown-eyed Susan

Description: Large vivid blooms vary greatly with shades of yellows and oranges around reddish brown centers, and each plant produces many blooms.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Galium boreale

Northern Bedstraw

Description: Tiny pink-tinged creamy buds turn into brilliant white clusters of flowers. This plant lights up a garden and make the other colors seem brighter.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Gentiana affinis

Pleated Gentian

Description: Brilliant beautiful blue flowers appear as if from nowhere in late August to steal the show. Alas they are short-lived but more than worth it.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Geranium richardsonii

White Geranium

Description: These bright white flowers can be veined with deep pink and bloom all summer in shaded woods, moist ditches and along creek beds.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Geranium viscosissimum

Sticky Geranium

Description: Pinky-purple to vibrant violet, these showy flowers are eye-catching and bloom all summer. This is a big plant with a full form and great for large spaces.

Seed Price: $0.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $0.00
Currently Unavailable

Geum macrophyllum

Yellow Avens

Description: Bright yellow flowers rise above the grasses on reddish stems over attractive foliage that turns reddish in the fall. 

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Geum rivale

Purple Avens

Description: Nodding flowers arise from large leafy foliage that brings a lush feel to shady spaces. This Avens grows in wet soil and can be planted at the edge of a pond.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Geum triflorum

Three Flowered Avens

Description: This plant is also known as Prairie Smoke because of the visual effect of a large meadow in bloom or Old Man's Whiskers due to its fluffy seed heads.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Helenium autumnale


Description: This wildflower will attract bees, butterflies and many other insects while helping create a country garden feel in your space.

Annual Sunflower Bloom
Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Helianthus annuus

Annual Sunflower

Description: This annual sunflower has large showy blooms in late summer and will reseed itself every year. Sunflowers attract lots of attention from birds and bees.

Common Tall Sunflower Bloom
Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Helianthus nuttalli

Common Tall Sunflower

Description: Bright sunny blooms in the late summer make this native perennial sunflower a great addition to moist sunny gardens or naturalized spaces.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Helianthus pauciflorus sub sp. subrhomboideus

Beautiful Sunflower

Description: This perennial sunflower grows to about 14" and has large bright blooms in late summer. It prefers a sunny dry to well drained location.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Heracleum lanatum

Cow Parsnip

Description: This large, robust wildflower grows umbels with hundreds of tiny white flowers from May to July.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Heterotheca villosa

Hairy False Golden Aster

Description: Bright yellow flowers stand out against grayish green foliage and put on a non-stop show from midsummer to late September.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Heuchera cylindrica

Round-Leaved Alumroot

Description: Pale yellow flowers last and last throughout the summer. This plant has great form and robust colorful foliage that lasts well into the winter.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Plug Quantity:
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Heuchera parviflora

Common Alumroot

Description: A smaller alumroot that loves dry/rocky soils. Great for rock gardens, hummingbirds and bees.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Heuchera richardsonii

Richardsons Alumroot

Description: Delicate, purplish flowers nod and bob in the breeze throughout the summer with pinky red foliage in the fall.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Iliamna rivularis

Mountain Hollyhock

Description: A large plant with beautiful pale pink flowers throughout the summer that attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.

Blue Flag Iris Flower
Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
Plug Quantity:
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Iris missouriensis

Blue Flag Iris

Description: Delicate and graceful blooms in the spring are lovely and clumps of large sword-shaped leaves create drama and have real presence in any landscape.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Liatris ligulistylis

Meadow Blazing Star

Description: Butterflies love this plant and so will you with its showy magenta blooms. This plant is tolerant of a variety of soils and makes a great specimen plant.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $7.50
Plug Quantity:
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Liatris punctata

Dotted Blazing Star

Description: Showy spikes of feathery blooms start in late summer and last into the early fall. Liatris is a great selection for dry sunny spots.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $7.50
Plug Quantity:
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Lilium philadelphicum

Wood Lily

Description: Intense eye-catching orange blooms steal the show in June & July and are a favorite of Hummingbirds as well as people.

Seed Price: $0.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
Plug Quantity:
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Linnaea borealis


Description: This little wildflower makes a great ground cover in moist places and has sweet smelling blooms,

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Linum lewisii

Blue Flax

Description: Seemingly endless sky blue flowers all summer long and preference for dry soils make this a great choice for big spaces or remote gardens that get little attention.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $4.25
Currently Unavailable

Linum rigidum

Yellow Flax

Description: Tiny yellow flowers peek up from the grasses in late spring. Plant this small wildflower in rock gardens and along pathways where it can be enjoyed.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Lupinus argenteus

Silvery Lupine

Description: Large dark flowers in loose clusters rise above the grasses in country ditches to catch your attention; their size and color allow then to stand out in large landscapes.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Lupinus sericeus

Silky Lupine

Description: A beautiful flower perfect for bringing bees and hummingbirds into your yard.

Fringed Loosestrife Flower
Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Lysimachia ciliata

Fringed Loosestrife

Description: With bright showy blooms and deep maroon fall foliage this plant will have an impact on the landscape.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Maianthemum stellatum

Star Flowered False Solomons Seal

Description: Delicate star-shaped flowers produced by solitary stalks from rhizomes turn into deep purple berries with foliage that turns yellow in the fall.

Wild Mint Bloom
Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Mentha arvensis

Wild Mint

Description: Fantastically-scented foliage and pretty pink flowers give this edible wildflower multiple charms.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Mertensia paniculata

Tall Bluebells

Description: Bright blue flowers hang in showy clusters in profusion. This large plant likes moist to well drained soils and dappled shady areas.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Minuartia austromontana

Rocky Mountain Sandwort

Description: Small, alpine plant with white flowers in mid summer

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
Plug Quantity:
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Mitella nuda

Bishops Cap

Description: A shade and moisture loving wildflower with intricate tiny flowers and attractive foliage that has great fall color.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Monarda fistulosa

Wild Bergamot

Description: Flowering all summer with vivid pinky purple blooms and a pleasant scent that attracts hummingbirds and butterflies.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Myosotis asiatica

Forget Me Nots

Description: These early blooming wildflowers will steal the show with its brilliant color and profuse blooms. It can be an annual or biennial and will re-seed itself to form an attractive groundcover.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Nicotiana rustica

1000 Year Old Tobacco

Description: This annual Tobacco is easy to grow and will reseed itself. Its large yellow flowers bloom all summer.

Stemless White Evening Primrose 1
Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
Plug Quantity:
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Oenothera caespitosa

Stemless White Evening Primrose

Description: Showy large flowers start white and turn pink and just keep coming. This low-growing wildflower is a must for any hot sunny site.

Prickly Pear Cactus Bloom
Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Opuntia polyacantha

Prickly Pear Cactus

Description: The bright sunny blooms of this native cactus are fantastic and arrive in early summer on top of stems viciously covered with fine spikes. Great for hot dry sites.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Orthocarpus luteus

Yellow Owls Clover

Description: The numerous yellow buds of this annual wildflower are featured in dense terminal leafy spikes, and appear at the height of summer.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
Plug Quantity:
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Osmorhiza berteroi

Mountain Sweet Cicely

Description: This plant has great foliage, and can provide a leafy understory to moist shrub beds and shady gardens. The seeds have a sweet licorice scent when crushed.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Oxytropis monticola

Mountain Locoweed

Description: Mountain Locoweed is the last of the Locoweeds to bloom with their large showy pale yellow or sometimes white flowers.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Oxytropis sericea

Silky Locoweed

Description: This is the first Locoweed to bloom in the spring with its creamy yellow flowers and dusty green foliage; it’s a great selection for exposed hot dry sites.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Oxytropis splendens

Showy Locoweed

Description: Pinky-purple blooms contrasting with silky silvery-green leaves make an attractive combination. Try planting Locoweeds in groups for a showy display.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Pediomelum esculentum

Indian Breadroot

Description: Edible tuber, similar in appearance to lupines.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $6.25
Plug Quantity:
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Penstemon albertinus

Alberta Penstemon

Description: This mid-sized Penstemon has shiny foliage and eye-catching bright blue flowers that attract Hummingbirds.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Penstemon confertus

Yellow Penstemon

Description: This Penstemon has pale yellow and pink flowers that vary in strength and hue from plant to plant. A very versatile pretty wildflower and definite favorite.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
Plug Quantity:
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Penstemon ellipticus

Rocky-Ledge Beardtongue

Description: Low-growing semi shrub for the pollinator alpine or rock garden.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Penstemon eriantherus

Fuzzy-tongue Beardtongue

Description: A versatile, heat loving penstemon for rock and pollinator gardens.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $6.25
Plug Quantity:
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Penstemon fruticosus

Shrubby Beardtongue

Description: This is a low, semi-shrub with a woody base that is clump-forming and is a prolific bloomer. Would make an attractive groundcover for a dry site.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Plug Quantity:
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Penstemon lyalli

Lyalls Penstemon

Description: Purple or pink flowers in mid-spring to summer that are attractive to bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $6.25
Plug Quantity:
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Penstemon nitidus

Smooth Blue Beardtongue

Description: Incredible blue flowers with pink throats bloom in the spring attracting hummingbirds, songbirds and your attention.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Penstemon procerus

Slender Penstemon

Description: This Penstemon blooms in tight clusters on upright stems and will tolerate a variety of soil conditions unlike some of its drought-loving cousins.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Peritoma serralata

Rocky Mountain Bee Plant

Description: This annual/biennial wildflower is a favorite of Bees and people alike with its showy blooms that will self-seed to brighten your garden year after year.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Phacelia sericea

Silky Scorpion Weed

Description: This funky mountain wildflower has attractive silver foliage and amazingly beautiful purple flowers that show off the yellow-tipped stamens.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
Plug Quantity:
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Physaria didymocarpa

Common Twinpod

Description: Part of the Mustard family, this sweet little plant has silvery, spatula-shaped leaves and petite bright yellow blooms.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
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Polemonium acutiflorum

Tall Jacobs Ladder

Description: This lush-looking perennial has great texture and tall stalks of showy flowers in the summer - try it in hard to grow areas.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Polemonium pulcherrimum

Showy Jacobs Ladder

Description: This delightful plant is versatile and showy; it can be found growing in conditions that range from dry sun to moist shade.

Seed Price: $0.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Potentilla anserina


Description: This attractive wildflower spreads by runners like strawberries. Bright flowers go on and on while the foliage turns to a showy yellowy orange in the fall. Silverweed makes a great groundcover for moist sunny spaces.

Smooth Leaved Cinquefoil Bloom
Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Potentilla diversifolia

Smooth-Leaved Cinquefoil

Description: The bright yellow blooms of this hardy perennial rise above the attractive leafy foliage which is low to the ground and has a nice form.

Graceful Cinguefoil Flower
Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Potentilla gracilis

Graceful Cinquefoil

Description: Graceful blooms in the summer sway on the breeze above low leafy deeply serrated foliage that turns to brilliant shades of pink/red and/or orange in the fall.

Woolly Cinquefoil Flower
Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Potentilla hippiana

Woolly Cinquefoil

Description: This plant has great silvery-green foliage that gets frosted with pink and orange in the fall. Tall flower clusters are bright and sunny.

Mountain Shooting Star Blooms
Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Primula conjugens

Mountain Shooting Star

Description: A favorite of many, this slow-growing wildflower has brilliant pink blooms in the late spring and likes sunny moist conditions.

Saline Shooting Star Bloom
Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Primula pauciflora

Saline Shooting Star

Description: Shooting Star is so named as it appears to be a star hurling through space with its points bending back. Saline Shooting Star likes moist to wet conditions.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Pulsatilla nuttalliana

Prairie Crocus

Description: A sure sign of spring, the native crocus is a welcome sight and a great addition to any sunny well-drained garden.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Ratibida columnifera

Yellow Coneflower

Description: Yellow petals hang as if for dear life from the dark cone-shaped center that makes it so easy to identify; this wildflower likes it hot and dry.

Roseroot Flowerbuds
Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Plug Quantity:
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Rhodiola integrifolia


Description: Deep red blooms in early spring make this a showy addition to any rock garden or hot sunny flowerbed. Great in containers as well.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $6.25
Plug Quantity:
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Rubus idaeus

Wild Red Raspberry

Description: This native raspberry produces delicious fruit and can be used to stabilize slopes due to its spreading root system.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Plug Quantity:
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Rubus pedatus

Trailing Raspberry

Description: Trailing raspberry is a lovely groundcover that spreads like strawberries through runners. Delicate white flowers give way to small red berries that are a favorite for birds and small mammals.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
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Rudbeckia hirta

Black-eyed Susan

Description: Large showy blooms have a real impact in the landscape and bloom from midsummer well into the fall. A great selection for large or small landscapes.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
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Sedum lanceolatum

Lance-leaved Stonecrop

Description: This hardy succulent produces bright yellow star-like flowers in clusters during the height of summer. Sedums work well in most sunny dry spots.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Silene acaulis

Moss Campion

Description: This compact, mat-forming wildflower is perfect for Crevice and Rock Gardens as well as containers; try planting it next to paver stones.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Sisyrinchium montanum

Blue Eyed Grass

Description: This plant has tiny blue star-shaped flowers that sit on top of grass-like stems and a great form; funky seed heads only add to its charm.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Solidago canadensis

Canada Golden Rod

Description: This Goldenrod brings August in and lasts into September topped off with great fall foliage for long term color interest; great for large spaces.

Prairie Goldenrod Flower
Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Solidago missouriensis

Prairie Goldenrod

Description: This bright wildflower can make a big impact on the horizon. It spreads by rhizomes to quickly fill large spaces; great for meadow plantings.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Solidago multiradiata

Northern Goldenrod

Description: This compact tufting Goldenrod has full flower-heads and a nice form. Red fall foliage rounds out the appeal of the wildflower.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Solidago rigida

Stiff Goldenrod

Description: This is a great Goldenrod for urban gardens or small spaces. Goldenrods are late bloomers and are adored by Bees and Butterflies.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
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Solidago simplex

Sticky Goldenrod

Description: True to its name, Spike Goldenrod grows spikes of bright flower clusters on red stems. Goldenrods have great fall color!

Birch Leaved Spirea Bloom
Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Plug Quantity:
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Spiraea betulifolia

Birch-Leaved Spirea

Description: The creamy white blooms of this flowering woody native make good landing pads for Butterflies, and Bees love it.

Seed Price: $0.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Streptopus amplexifolius

Clasping-Leaved Twisted Stalk

Description: An attractive shade loving plant, lush leafy branches hide dangling bell-shaped flowers that turn into bright red berries in the fall.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Symphotrichum ciliolatum

Fringed Aster

Description: With many cheery blue flowers in late summer this Aster is a great late season pollinator for shady spaces.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
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Symphyotrichum campestre

Western Meadow Aster

Description: A smaller aster that grows in a variety of areas from dry open hillsides to moist forests, Western Meadow Aster is a beautiful addition to the pollinator garden.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Symphyotrichum falcatum

Creeping White Prairie Aster

Description: White nickel-sized flowers appear in mid-summer on full spikes. A versatile wildflower for the pollinator garden.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Symphyotrichum foliaceum

Leafy Aster

Description: A good choice in hard to grow shaded areas, this wildflower will fit well into the urban woodland garden.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Symphyotrichum laeve

Smooth Aster

Description: Lavender/blue petals surround a bright yellow button with a wonderfully eye catching contrast.

Willow Aster Flower
Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Symphyotrichum lanceolatum

Willow Aster

Description: This wildflower blooms well into the fall and likes moist to wet soils and provides an important source of late season pollen.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Symphyotrichum puniceum

Purple Stemmed Aster

Description: This Aster prefers wet places and can get very large. It is a late bloomer flowering well into the fall when the foliage color can turn to a purple red.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Thalictrum occidentale

Western Meadow Rue

Description: This Meadowrue has tall stems with fine leafy foliage and delicate purple/pink flowers with dangling yellow anthers; it's all about texture.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
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Thalictrum venulosum

Veiny Meadow Rue

Description: Fine leafy foliage and delicate fine-textured flowers with dangling yellow anthers are interesting and pretty. The fall foliage is great and turns to yellow with burnt pink which jumps out of the landscape.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Thermopsis rhombifolia

Golden Beans

Description: One of the first to flower in the spring, the cheery blooms are a welcome sight and an important early source of food for pollinators waking up from a long winter.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Townsendia exscapa

Low Townsendia

Description: Large blooms in early spring are a welcome site. Dense, cushion-like low silvery foliage are indicators of the drought-tolerant nature of Low Townsendia.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Townsendia parryi


Description: This showy compact wildflower has large bright flowers that grab the attention. Its low form makes it a great border plant.

Sitka Valerian Flower
Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Valeriana sitchensis

Sitka Valerian

Description: Stunning blooms and large leafy foliage capture your attention and have great presence in a large landscape.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Viola adunca

Early Blue Violet

Description: Lovely violet blue flowers start in the early spring and continue into summer; it is possible that it may also bloom again in the fall.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $6.25
Plug Quantity:
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Viola canadensis

Canada Violet

Description: This violet is large compared to its cousins. Large leafy foliage and bright white flowers indicate its preference for shady moist sites.

Marsh Violet
Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
Plug Quantity:
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Viola palustris

Marsh Violet

Description: This compact little violet is at home growing in boggy soils but is also happy to grow in moist shady sites and makes a nice groundcover. 

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $6.25
Plug Quantity:
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Zizia aptera

Heart-Leaved Alexanders

Description: Cheery blooms poke up above the competition to steal the show in summer and then the cool nights of fall turn the foliage burnt pink.

Note: The plant information given on this browse listing page is limited; please refer to the plant information pages for a more detailed description of the plants that have met your search criteria.