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Displaying Results 1 - 8 of 8
Seed Price: $0.00
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Plug Price: $6.25
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Mahonia repens

Oregon Grape

Description: Showy yellow flowers, stiff, spiny holly-like leaves and large clusters of fruits makes this unique groundcover a must-have for shady spaces.

Seed Price: $4.00
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Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Maianthemum stellatum

Star Flowered False Solomons Seal

Description: Delicate star-shaped flowers produced by solitary stalks from rhizomes turn into deep purple berries with foliage that turns yellow in the fall.

Wild Mint Bloom
Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
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Mentha arvensis

Wild Mint

Description: Fantastically-scented foliage and pretty pink flowers give this edible wildflower multiple charms.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Mertensia paniculata

Tall Bluebells

Description: Bright blue flowers hang in showy clusters in profusion. This large plant likes moist to well drained soils and dappled shady areas.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
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Minuartia austromontana

Rocky Mountain Sandwort

Description: Small, alpine plant with white flowers in mid summer

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
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Mitella nuda

Bishops Cap

Description: A shade and moisture loving wildflower with intricate tiny flowers and attractive foliage that has great fall color.

Seed Price: $4.00
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Plug Price: $5.00
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Monarda fistulosa

Wild Bergamot

Description: Flowering all summer with vivid pinky purple blooms and a pleasant scent that attracts hummingbirds and butterflies.

Seed Price: $4.00
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Plug Price: $5.00
Currently Unavailable

Myosotis asiatica

Forget Me Nots

Description: These early blooming wildflowers will steal the show with its brilliant color and profuse blooms. It can be an annual or biennial and will re-seed itself to form an attractive groundcover.

Note: The plant information given on this browse listing page is limited; please refer to the plant information pages for a more detailed description of the plants that have met your search criteria.