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Displaying Results 1 - 6 of 6
Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Balsamorhiza sagittata


Description: A large, leafy plant with bright sunny blooms in early spring. This plant will bring Bees, Birds and Butterflies into your space.

Seed Price: $4.00
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Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Betula glandulosa

Dwarf Birch

Description: Outstanding four season shrub with lots of character. Small, well-behaved and maintains shape without pruning. Tolerant of urban environments with flexible planting requirements.

River Birch
Seed Price: $0.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Betula occidentalis

River Birch

Description: Multi-stemmed tree up to 7m tall with attractive bronze winter bark. Creates a beautiful, dappled shade and provides bright fall colour.

Paper Birch
Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Betula papyrifera

Paper Birch

Description: Single stemmed tree up to 10m tall with eye-catching bright white bark. A bold tree in the landscape that attracts native birds and has excellent fall colour.

Seed Price: $4.00
Seed Quantity:
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Plug Price: $4.25
Currently Unavailable

Bouteloua curtipendula

Side-Oats Grama

Description: Showy floral spikes dangle from one side of the flower spike and grow to about 30" tall.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $4.25
Plug Quantity:
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Bouteloua gracilis

Blue Grama Grass

Description: This native grass is very attractive and is named for its wonderful purplish/blue seed heads.

Note: The plant information given on this browse listing page is limited; please refer to the plant information pages for a more detailed description of the plants that have met your search criteria.