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Displaying Results 1 - 13 of 13
Seed Price: $4.00
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Plug Price: $6.25
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Tall Bluebells

Mertensia paniculata

Description: Bright blue flowers hang in showy clusters in profusion. This large plant likes moist to well drained soils and dappled shady areas.

Seed Price: $4.00
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Plug Price: $5.00
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Tall Jacobs Ladder

Polemonium acutiflorum

Description: This lush-looking perennial has great texture and tall stalks of showy flowers in the summer - try it in hard to grow areas.

Seed Price: $4.00
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Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Tall Larkspur

Delphinium glaucum

Description: Tall stalks of deep blue/purple blooms in July and August are a showy addition to wooded areas and moist meadows.

Tamarack cones
Seed Price: $0.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable


Larix laricina

Description: Tall, narrow tree up to 10m tall.

Seed Price: $0.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable


Rubus parviflorus

Description: Large, dramatic green leaves and dense, thicket-forming shrub that will give your garden a lush, coastal feel. A unique plant underused by the landscape industry.

Seed Price: $4.00
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Plug Price: $5.00
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Three Flowered Avens

Geum triflorum

Description: This plant is also known as Prairie Smoke because of the visual effect of a large meadow in bloom or Old Man's Whiskers due to its fluffy seed heads.

Seed Price: $4.00
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Plug Price: $4.25
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Agrostis scabra

Description: This is a fine-textured grass with an upright form and airy seeds heads. Its versatile nature means it's happy to grow in a variety of conditions.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
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Trailing Raspberry

Rubus pedatus

Description: Trailing raspberry is a lovely groundcover that spreads like strawberries through runners. Delicate white flowers give way to small red berries that are a favorite for birds and small mammals.

Seed Price: $4.00
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Plug Price: $5.00
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Tufted Fleabane

Erigeron caespitosus

Description: Numerous white or soft pink daisy-like flowers in the summer from attractive olive-green foliage that gets tinted orangey/pink in the fall.

Seed Price: $4.00
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Plug Price: $4.25
Currently Unavailable

Tufted Hairgrass

Deschampsia caespitosa

Description: A moisture-loving native grass with a clump-forming habit and delicate, airy seed heads.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Twin Arnica

Arnica sororia

Description: Twin arnica spreads by rhizomes and does beautifully in meadows. It appeals to both bees and butterflies.

Seed Price: $0.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
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Linnaea borealis

Description: This little wildflower makes a great ground cover in moist places and has sweet smelling blooms,

Lonicera dioica - Twinning Honeysuckle
Seed Price: $4.00
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Plug Price: $6.25
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Twining Honeysuckle

Lonicera dioica

Description: Lush foliage, colorful blooms and red berries in the fall make this shade-loving vine a well-rounded plant.

Note: The plant information given on this browse listing page is limited; please refer to the plant information pages for a more detailed description of the plants that have met your search criteria.