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Displaying Results 1 - 8 of 8
Marsh Violet
Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $5.00
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Marsh Violet

Viola palustris

Description: This compact little violet is at home growing in boggy soils but is also happy to grow in moist shady sites and makes a nice groundcover. 

Seed Price: $4.00
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Plug Price: $5.00
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Meadow Arnica

Arnica chamissonis

Description: Large sunny blooms in early summer are bright and eye-catching. This Arnica has great presence in large landscapes.

Seed Price: $4.00
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Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Meadow Blazing Star

Liatris ligulistylis

Description: Butterflies love this plant and so will you with its showy magenta blooms. This plant is tolerant of a variety of soils and makes a great specimen plant.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $6.25
Currently Unavailable

Moss Campion

Silene acaulis

Description: This compact, mat-forming wildflower is perfect for Crevice and Rock Gardens as well as containers; try planting it next to paver stones.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Mountain Hollyhock

Iliamna rivularis

Description: A large plant with beautiful pale pink flowers throughout the summer that attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.

Seed Price: $4.00
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Plug Price: $5.00
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Mountain Locoweed

Oxytropis monticola

Description: Mountain Locoweed is the last of the Locoweeds to bloom with their large showy pale yellow or sometimes white flowers.

Mountain Shooting Star Blooms
Seed Price: $4.00
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Plug Price: $7.50
Currently Unavailable

Mountain Shooting Star

Primula conjugens

Description: A favorite of many, this slow-growing wildflower has brilliant pink blooms in the late spring and likes sunny moist conditions.

Seed Price: $4.00
Currently Unavailable
Plug Price: $7.50
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Mountain Sweet Cicely

Osmorhiza berteroi

Description: This plant has great foliage, and can provide a leafy understory to moist shrub beds and shady gardens. The seeds have a sweet licorice scent when crushed.

Note: The plant information given on this browse listing page is limited; please refer to the plant information pages for a more detailed description of the plants that have met your search criteria.